I consider myself so lucky to live in a country that makes Sarma! I grew up eating Golubcy, a Russian stuffed cabbage, which is the type of comfort food I can eat daily.

Before moving to Belgrade, I lived in Moldova where they had Sarmali, a smaller sized stuffed cabbage rolls.

Now, I’m not getting into where it originates and such. That can be a sensitive issue.

But, I will be brave enough to say that Serbian Sarma is my favorite so far! The magic is all in the ingredients and the way it’s made, I’m sure. But sadly, I have not yet watched it being made.

It seems to be that, Serbian Sarma, the stuffed cabbage, to be exact, is usually broiled inside a sauce with thick pieces of pork ribs. That, I think, might be why I enjoy it so much.

At the same time, because I tend to think a lot when I eat, I also enjoy the fact that there is different version of Sarma all around the world. One day, I will write a post full of examples and stories behind this one creative dish we humans have come up with. Stay tuned!

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